Coronavirus - A Little Perspective

This blog post is adopted from an email written by Dr. Jennifer we sent to all of our patients early last week amid the Coronavirus pandemic. It was so well received that we decided to post it here as well in the hopes that others may benefit from some positivity.

Coronavirus Thoughts

A little perspective really does change everything. Instead of dwelling on all of the things that we can’t do because of the corona virus, I am trying my hardest to shift my perspective and focus on the things that I CAN do because I have more time- I can spend more time with my husband, Kyle, and dog, Turner, I can finally start getting things done around the house that we have been putting off, I can read more, and Dr. Jason and I can work on the back end of our business and brainstorm on how we can create an amazing patient experience for you when we open up again. What CAN you do now that you didn’t have the time for before?

This time away from the office really has me thinking about our patients and how big of a role each and every one of you play in our life. I feel for all of our patients. I feel for the ones who have made so much progress with their care in the last few months and have suddenly had to put things on hold. I feel for the ones who are working from home with a toddler running around and wondering when a normal routine can be established again. I feel for the ones who are now homeschool teachers. I feel for the ones who are stressed over what will happen to their small business. I feel for all of you, and I am sending you a BIG virtual hug. 

Dr. Jason and I truly care for each and every one of our patients, not only in terms of your overall health but your overall wellbeing. Once you start care at Foundation Chiropractic Co., you are officially a member of the FCC family. We have always been shown by example to care for our family, no matter what. If, during this trying and difficult time, you need ANYTHING, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Dr. Jason and I. We are here for you. 

I encourage you to find things that bring you joy. For me, that is trying out new recipes (scroll down for my favourite childhood food with a healthy twist), doing yoga (great for stress relief), and riding my bike to find some cool paths in my new neighbourhood. 

Another thing that brings me joy is the updates we have been receiving from patients- whether it's just a quick email to say hello, an inspiring story about your act of kindness for the day, or pictures that parents are sending us of our paediatric patients saying that they miss us. I miss you all too, so much! Please keep sending us updates of your family, we love hearing from you guys. 

I want to end on a positive note. A quote that I love and that I try to live my daily life by - “You get what you give, so give good.” Give positivity, give hope, give a helping hand to a neighbour who needs groceries and may not be able to go to the store but most importantly, give yourself grace during this trying time as we learn how to adapt and cope. 

Sending all my love, 

Dr. Jennifer 

Positive Vibes Only!

When you focus on the good, the good gets better. Here are my favourite positive things that happened recently:

- Looking for SGN (Some Good News)? If you are a fan of the office like we are, click here to watch this trending video. Jim Halpert and Michael Scott are back at it. This video had me crying and laughing and is a definite way to raise your spirits. 

- A 6 year old's birthday party was cancelled due to recent events. His friends and family wanted to put a smile on his face so they threw him a "Happy Birthday Car Parade". This video brought me to happy tears. Click here to watch the video.

- While aquariums are closed to visitors, the Georgia Aquarium opened its doors to puppies at the Atlanta Humane Society. That sounds like the best day ever. Click here to watch these adorable pups scamper around. As a side note, Dr. Jason and I went to chiropractic school in Atlanta, Georgia and this aquarium is a "must see" if you ever find yourself in Atlanta.

- Yale university is offering its most popular class online for FREE. Click here if you want to learn about The Science of Wellbeing. I know I am going to enjoy being a student again!

Brain Games

It's time to exercise your brain! Can you figure out these brain teasers? Answers are at the very bottom of this page.. No cheating!!!

  1. There are 5 sisters in a room. Anne is reading a book, Margaret is cooking, Kate is playing chess, and Marie is doing the laundry. What is the 5th sister doing?

  2. There are 2 ducks in front of a duck, 2 ducks behind a duck and a duck in the middle. How many ducks are there?

  3. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries? (This one had me stumped)

  4. A rooster laid an egg on top of the barn roof. Which way did it roll?

  5. A women gave birth to 2 sons who were born on the same hour of the same day of the same year. They were not twins. How could this be?

We are still here for you during this difficult time. If you need an emergency adjustment, if you have a question, or need some health advice - please email us and we'll get back to you ASAP!

-Dr. Jason and Dr. Jennifer

Brain teaser answers: 1. Playing chess with Kate- you can't play chess alone. 2. 3 ducks. 3. A towel. 4. Roosters don't lay eggs. 5. They were triplets- 2 boys and 1 girl.