Coronavirus - The Silver Lining

This blog post is adopted from an email we sent to all of our patients early last week amid the Coronavirus pandemic. It was so well received that we decided to post it here as well in the hopes that others may benefit from some positivity.


I don't know about you, but this COVID-19 pandemic has given me the opportunity to reflect on many things in my life.

On one hand I'm worried. I worry about those who are susceptible to the virus, about all of our awesome patients who are now stuck at home, about those who are out of work, about the local small businesses that are suffering, about the government relief efforts and who qualifies for them, and about the overall economy and how we'll be impacted.

On the other hand, I'm so grateful for my health and the health of my family, grateful that we are still able to come into the office and see some patients who are in desperate need of an adjustment, grateful that people in our community are respectful and are trying to make a difference, grateful that we can still go outside and get fresh air, and grateful that at some point we know this will come to an end and we'll be stronger for it.

After going back and fourth I've come to realize one thing: if you control your thoughts, then you control your mind.

We get to decide if we are happy or sad. We get to decide if we want to reflect on the good or the bad. We need to remind ourselves to focus on what we CAN control, and NOT on what we CAN'T.

At the end of the day we are all going through this experience together, whether we like it or not. We get to decide if we want to make it a positive experience or a negative one.

As difficult as it may be, I've decided to be positive. I'm going to cherish the extra time I get to spend with my wife Claudia, our new daughter (Leora), and our dog (Koda). I'm going to remember to appreciate how much I love my job, how much I enjoy adjusting our patients and seeing them recover and stay well, and how lucky I am to work with two very amazing people every day (Dr. Jen and Agatha are the best)!

We are going to use this time to recharge, improve, and come back better than ever. We've got big things planned for the rest of 2020, and I'm so excited to get back to regular office hours and see all of you again soon!

-Dr. Jason

P.S. We really miss seeing all of you on a regular basis. If you don't mind, please take a moment to respond to this email. Let us know how you're doing, what you've been up to, and the most positive thing you can think of in this moment!

FAQ's - What are you guys doing at home to stay healthy?

"So now that all gyms and local sports / activities are shut down, what are you doing at home to stay mobile and stay healthy?"

It's a great question, and it's come up in conversations nearly every single day since last week when the quarantine was just getting started.

I know Dr. Jen is immersing herself in new healthy recipes and cooking techniques. She practices mindfulness / relaxation methods regularly, and is doing a lot of self-guided yoga and stretching at home.

Personally, I'm trying to focus on doing some form of physical activity every day. As someone who is used to doing a lot of crossfit exercise, it's a drastic change to try and do at-home workouts by yourself while staying motivated. I'm making it work with what we have though... a few light dumbbells, a couple kettle bells, our own bodyweight, etc. On the days where I don't lift weights (non compressive days) I like to do some deep stretches, foam roll, take long walks outside with my family, and of course perform the healthy spine and posture exercises we show all of our patients.

In the coming weeks, look out for videos on our from my sister and I on what we're doing at home to stay healthy. If you guys need help or have ideas on topics you'd like us to cover then please let us know!

Positive Vibes Only!

It's easy to get caught up in the negativity seen so much lately in mainstream media and social media. So rather than talk about the bad, let's focus on some good! Here's a few of my favourite positive stories that have occurred in the last couple weeks:

-Two young children in Ohio put on a classical music performance on their front porch for their elderly neighbour who was quarantined in their home. Click here if you want to watch the video and have a smile brought to your face.

-Since nearly all concerts worldwide have been shut down, many of our favourite artists are doing free live-stream performances from their homes. It's a pretty great way to give back to the fans and stay connected, so make sure you're following your favourite artists on social media so you don't miss anything. You can watch this video to see John Legend, Chris Martin from Coldplay, Pin, Keith Urban, and more!

-A little humour thanks to one of our patients! If you're interested in the newest, hipster, earth-friendly toilet paper then check out this video. Maybe we'll get some for our office! Haha.

We are still here for you during this difficult time. If you need an emergency adjustment, if you have a question, or need some health advice - please email us and we'll get back to you ASAP!

-Dr. Jason and Dr. Jennifer