How to Lose Weight


Want to lose weight and have no clue where to start? You’re not alone. There are a TON of different diets and fad weight loss trends that are constantly posted online, but do they actually work? Which ones are best? How do I know if a certain diet or exercise program is the right one for me?

These are all valid questions and every situation is unique. With that said, there are some basic core principles when it comes to weight loss. These core principles should be understood and addressed first before wasting any time or effort on all the other weight loss trends. See below:

FCC Simple Tips for Weight Loss

To break it down most simply, sustained weight loss can only be achieved when more calories are burned than consumed. The number of calories we burn OUT of our bodies must be greater than the number of calories we consume and put IN our bodies.

If you want to be precise, then you could track how much consume by weighing your food and counting calories consumed along with tracking your calories burned in a day. If you’d rather keep it simple, then just start by eating less and exercising more. Weigh yourself weekly to confirm you are losing weight. 

If you aren’t sure where to start, follow these foundational guidelines below. These guidelines should be followed fully before attempting any fad diets or extreme exercise trends. 


-added sugar in all forms (soft drinks, sports drinks, juices, sweets, desserts, etc)

-calorie-dense foods (junk food, dairy, processed oils and added preservatives)

-fried food and fast food


-fresh raw vegetables

-lean meats

-whole grains, nuts, and seeds

-plenty of filtered or bottled water

With that said, you can consume the healthiest diet on the planet but if you are still over eating without exercising (therefore consuming more calories than you are burning), then you will continue to gain weight. A healthy diet is only one piece to the puzzle - regular exercise must also be implemented. 

Exercise considerations:
-high intensity burns more calories than low intensity (10 minutes of sprints is better than 30 mins of walking/jogging)

-workouts done in the morning on an empty stomach will result in more fat breakdown than those done after consuming a meal. This is because our body will use readily available glycogen in our bloodstream for energy before it breaks down fat stores for energy. 

-aim to exercise intensely 4-5 times per week. Use your days off to focus on active recovery (yoga, long walks, etc). 

-side note: don’t forget about your chiropractic adjustments - which help to maintain healthy nerve supply to your thyroid gland (thyroid secretes several weight loss hormones and helps to maintain healthy metabolism).

Also remember that sustainable weight loss is a marathon, and not a sprint. There are many quick ways to lose weight, but these often result in quickly regaining weight or other health consequences once you revert to your old habits. Sustainable weight loss is often a slow, gradual process that requires discipline and dedication. 

If you have specific questions on diet and/or exercise please let us know. We are happy to help personally or refer to other health professionals when necessary.