We've Been Featured On Subkit


As an entrepreneur, you are in the business of community building. The one-to-one effort and energy you put in with your core customers has a cap. What you do for your diehard clientele / patients can’t be replicated or scaled beyond a certain point. However, the energy you put in here can absolutely scale your business. The secret to growth, whether you’re a chiropractic office, bakery, dance instructor or massive tech organization, is caring about how you make people feel.

There is no “secret sauce” or “growth hack” to having a lasting impact. Those phrases have short-term potential, but there is no substitute for deep and meaningful connections if you’re looking for your business to make a lasting impact in your community.

With that said, it’s such an honour that we’ve been recognized and featured on Subkit! Click here to read Dr. Jason’s entrepreneur write-up.

