1. Chiropractic is different than medicine. The goals are not the same. Medical treatment focuses on reducing symptoms. Chiropractic care focuses on correcting the underlying cause.
2. Health is our normal state. Ease and wellbeing is our normal, natural state. If you have lost your health, something is interfering with its expression. The symptom is NOT the problem.
3. Your nervous system controls everything. Your nervous system controls and regulates every cell, tissue, and organ in your body. If you lose your health, your nervous system is likely involved because it controls all function, healing and recreation of your cells.
4. Stress can overload and short circuit the nervous system.
That stress can be physical: car accident, fall down the stairs, difficult birth, sitting at a computer all day, lifting something improperly.
That stress can be chemical: food you eat, air you breath, toxins you’re exposed to.
That stress can be emotional: stresses of daily life, stressful events, stressful jobs, finances, raising a family.
Stress can overload your nervous system. Have you ever heard the phrase “You’re getting on my nerves”? If the stress overloads the nervous system, it can “short circuit”.
5. This can produce a structural shift of the spinal column. In order to accommodate the increased stress, your body responds with a structural shift. This is a movement of the spinal column that interferes with the flow of nerve impulses in your body.
6. In order to find structural shifts, a thorough exam by a chiropractor is needed. At Foundation Chiropractic Co., our NeuroStructural Examination utilizes three different diagnostic criteria to detect and analyze the location and severity of your structural shifts. Our exam includes:
Structural 3D Analysis
Structural X-rays (if necessary)
7. Our doctors will explain to you what we find. At your next visit, which we call our Patient Recommendation Conference, we will explain what we have found, what it means, and we are going to make specific recommendations for care (both in-office care and at home care). At this point you can chose what you want to do. We offer different types of care in our office including:
Relief Care: symptomatic relief of pain or discomfort.
Corrective Care: correcting and relieving the cause of the problem as well as the symptoms.
Comprehensive Care: bringing whatever is malfunctioning in the body to the highest state of health possible with chiropractic adjustments and lifestyle modifications.
Protection Care: maintaining proper spinal alignment through Protection Adjustments and specific spinal exercises.
8. A series of adjustments will be required. This creates the momentum that is necessary for healing and to create healthier spines so that your body is more resistant to structural shifts going forward.
9. A chiropractic adjustment does not treat your symptoms. Adjustments are precisely targeted for reducing the neurological impact of a structural shift of the spinal column. You might have a headache because a nerve is being interfered with from C1. My adjustment is designed to fix C1, when the nerve re-regulates and returns to normal function, the body will reduce the headaches on its own.
10. Consistent visits create momentum for healing. Regularly missing visits can actually impede your progress and slow the speed of your recovery.
11. YOU control the speed of your recovery. How quickly you respond reveals more about you, your overall health, and what you are willing to do between visits and your health habits that what we will be doing when you come into our practice.
12. How long you decide to benefit from chiropractic care is always up to you. Whether you want relief care, corrective care, or protection care, we are here to help you reach your individual health goals. Our recommendation, without question, will be to correct and stabilize what’s there in the first place. At that point, you will have had enough chiropractic care to decide if you would like to start what we call “Protection Care” but how much care you have and will have will always be up to you.
13. When you have had as much care as you want, let us know so we can CELEBRATE and close your care properly. On your last visit, be sure to let us know so we can share some ideas that can help you STAY well after you GET well.
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