What's Wrong With That Baby?

We are curious, it’s in our nature as human beings. The one thing that patients are generally most curious about in our office is why parents bring their children to a chiropractor. “What’s wrong with that baby?” (asked in an inquisitive tone) is a question we hear often and our answer is usually, “Nothing!”. 

This week I had a new patient appointment with a 7-day-old whose parents drove about 45 minutes each way to our office. This family just had their second child, I saw their first child when he was a few months old for colic and the mom for some postnatal structural care. Aside from wanting to get my opinion on some newborn issues, the parents wrote on the intake form that they wanted to get their baby adjusted regularly for health and wellness. It's clear they're not just looking to fix issues but are eager to kickstart a journey of wellness for their little one. This brought me back to my roots of why I love being a chiropractor.

In the first two years of life, a child's spine undergoes remarkable growth and development, laying the FOUNDATION for lifelong spinal health. During this period, the spine experiences rapid changes, with the length increasing by about 50% compared to its length at birth. Not only does the spine grow in length, but it also develops its curved nature when looking from the side. The spine transitions from the C-shaped curve seen in newborns to the characteristic S-shaped curve found in adults. These changes are crucial for supporting the infant's increasing mobility and transitioning from lying down to rolling, sitting, crawling and eventually standing. 

With all these changes happening in such a short amount of time, it makes sense to see a paediatric chiropractor to ensure proper alignment and mobility of the spine and cranium during these formative years to support optimal nervous system function and overall health. By addressing any misalignments or restrictions early on, chiropractors can help promote proper growth and development, laying the FOUNDATION for a lifetime of spinal health and well-being. One visit we might see a baby who is struggling to get into a proper crawling position and the next visit they are crawling like a champ! One visit we might see a baby who is struggling to turn their head to latch, the next visit they are feeding properly round the clock! 

Adjustments on children are very different than adjustments on adults. The firmness we use to adjust a newborn baby’s spine is the same firmness you would use to see if a tomato is ripe- just a gentle squeeze. 

-Dr. Jennifer