About Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is the recommended source of nutrition for infants, as it aids in promoting infant growth, development, and immunity. Some mothers breastfeed up to two years.
About 80% of mothers in the United States breastfeed. These rates are lowest in those less than 25 years old, unmarried, non-Hispanic black, less than high school education, and smoker. The gap is continually closing as awareness increases.
Breastfeeding provides short term and long-term benefits for both mom and baby, such as gut function development, building immunity and improving overall well-being. It also helps burn those extra calories to help mom lose weight faster.
Breastfeeding helps your body recover from pregnancy and childbirth quicker. Hormones released during breastfeeding helps the uterus return to the size it was before pregnancy. Breastfeeding may also lower breast and ovarian cancer risks. Research indicates that many diseases that occur in bottle fed infants do not occur in breast fed infants.
Human milk cannot be duplicated and contains trace elements, simple and complex proteins, fat and water soluble vitamins, lecithin and free fatty acids.
The nervous system controls and coordinates all functions of the body and structural shifts in the spine can occur that obstruct the nerves and interfere with their function. Chiropractic care aims to remove the structural shifts and allow the nervous system to function better. These improvements allow for the muscles, bones and joints of the head and neck of the infant to better adapt to the needs of breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding requires the infant to suck, swallow, and breathe, which takes a lot of coordination between nerves, bones, and muscles. The infant’s ability to breastfeed successfully can be disturbed if there is an imbalance or structural shifts in the spine, which can alter the infant’s sucking pattern, which leads to a latch problem.
Such imbalances or structural shifts can result in painful breastfeeding, nipple pain, breast enlargement, and inadequate milk supply. It is important to address these issues as soon as possible as this can lead to stopping breastfeeding prematurely.
The nervous system controls and coordinates all functions of the body and structural shifts in the spine can occur that obstruct the nerves and interfere with their function. Chiropractic care aims to remove the structural shifts and relieve the muscles of the mouth to improve breastfeeding.
Nursing mothers having difficulty breastfeeding are encouraged to include chiropractic in their management plan.
Chiropractic Helps Improve Breastfeeding
This review of the literature evaluated over 20 articles describing the effectiveness of chiropractic care on mothers experiencing a difficult latch. The study’s author called for additional research to investigate the clinical implications of chiropractic in this population as breastfeeding difficulties were resolved following care.
The nervous system controls and coordinates all functions of the body and structural shifts in the spine can occur that obstruct the nerves and interfere with their function. Chiropractic care aims to remove the structural shifts and allow the nervous system to function better. These improvements allow for the muscles, bones and joints of the head and neck of the infant to better adapt to the needs of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding requires the infant to suck, swallow, and breathe, which takes a lot of coordination between nerves, bones, and muscles. The infant’s ability to breastfeed successfully can be disturbed if there is an imbalance or structural shifts in the spine, which can alter the infant’s sucking pattern, which leads to a latch problem.
Such imbalances or structural shifts can result in painful breastfeeding, nipple pain, breast enlargement, and inadequate milk supply. It is important to address these issues as soon as possible as this can lead to stopping breastfeeding prematurely.
The nervous system controls and coordinates all functions of the body and structural shifts in the spine can occur that obstruct the nerves and interfere with their function. Chiropractic care aims to remove the structural shifts and relieve the muscles of the mouth to improve breastfeeding.
Nursing mothers having difficulty breastfeeding are encouraged to include chiropractic in their management plan.
Resolution of Breastfeeding Difficulties Following Chiropractic Care: A Review of the Literature. Matt Dalton, DC. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic ~ Volume, 2023