Infinite Wisdom (or at least Dr. Jason thinks so)

Wisdom and Reflection

I recently shared this in our monthly wellness newsletter and it was well-received by many of our patients. I decided to post it here as well with the hope that it may help anyone who stumbles across it while browsing online.

As a January baby, I'm another year older. I also like to think I'm another year wiser.

I recently did some self-reflection, and here is what I know. Writing this out is for you as much as it is for me.

Everything is just a reflection of ourself. When we judge others or something, we are simply judging ourself. I know this.

Comparison is the thief of joy. Don't compare yourself to others.

Success comes easy when you act with integrity, work hard, and do what you love.

Love comes in abundance. The more we give the more we can receive and VICE VERSA.

A rising tide lifts all boats. Our thoughts shape our actions. Think positive, and be the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.

Losing yourself in the service of others doesn’t have to “look” like humanitarian work. It’s a daily intention and it provides us with the gift of liberation from self.

Our inner wisdom is everything. Listen to your innate intelligence and trust your gut.

Be brave. Whatever that means to you. Yourself on the other side of bravery will thank you.

Take care of your body, specifically your spine. It's the only place you have to live and you only get one.

Health is not linear. Like all good things in life, optimizing health takes time and repetition.

Movement is life. Stagnant energy creates patterns that are hard to break. Our body is designed to move and movement heals.

Fall in love with you. This inspires others to seek self love, which is what we all need and desire.

Adventure. Seek new sights and experiences. Follow that excitement...often.

Cherish the sweet moments. Don’t worry that it’s fleeting, stay in the moment for as long as you can. Mentally capture it so you can revisit it whenever you want.

We don’t always have to learn through hardships and challenges. Learning through love and grace is a thing and an option available to everyone.

Be kind and gentle to others and to yourself. Hold yourself to a high standard but understand there will be moments when you can't meet it.

The only constant in life is change. Everything is in seasons. Diets, relationships, phases, etc. It’s all temporary and serves a purpose.

Don't take yourself too damn seriously. Leave time for fun. Relax. Breathe.

The KISS theory is real. Keep it simple, stupid. Live simply.

Let go. Surrendering doesn’t mean you’ve failed. It’s so exhausting holding it all together... let go and be in flow with life. Just try it.

Finally, always be humble, have a grateful heart, and appreciate what you have and who you have in your life.

Yours in health,

-Dr. Jason