5 Holiday Health Tips

We might be biased, but we think we have the 5 BEST holiday health tips to help you stay healthy and happy this holiday season.

1. Increase your water intake. ⁠


There is no denying that your alcohol consumption is higher during the holidays. Help balance the intake by keeping a glass of water on your bedside table to drink first thing in the morning and carrying a water bottle with you at all times.⁠ ⁠

2. Don’t be a Scrooge!


Being a “Scrooge” is hard on your neck and spine (check out this guy’s anterior head translation) but it can also make you and the people in your presence feel really down so be nice, not naughty. ⠀

Christmas is as good a time as any to be in good spirits. Be compassionate with others and yourself, smile often, laugh a lot, AND don’t forget to stretch and do your spinal hygiene exercises.

3. Fit in fitness.


Fitness routines tend to take a major dip during the holidays. We recommend completely changing your fitness routine so that you force your body to adapt to something new, stay enthusiastic about fitness and keep burning off that eggnog (and gingerbread cookies).⠀

Don’t know what to do? Dr. Jennifer loves prenatal yoga classes, Dr. Jason loves crossfit and Dr. Shamira loves cardio!

4. Fuel up on good foods!


Don’t make gingerbread cookies your only source of nutrients over the holidays! ⠀⠀

Cookies and chocolates are constantly in your face from the grocery store to your office. You don’t have to ignore them all together. Just eat smart! Indulge in a cookie or two but make sure you are still eating all of your favourite healthy foods.

5. Leave the staying late up to Santa.


Give the excitement of the holidays a break and give your body and mind a few full nights of rest. Even though its tempting to stay up late and wake up late, try to stick to your regular sleep habits.