Chiropractic Care and Children

Being born is tough work for both mothers and babies. There are a lot of pressures and forces being exerted onto your baby during her journey into the world.

A recent study by Viola Frymann demonstrated that 90 percent of newborns suffered the effects of birth trauma: associated strain through the neck and cranial areas following birth.

Frymann, an American osteopathic doctor, studied more than 1,500 babies periodically across an eight-year period. She examined all babies within the first five days of birth; in fact, many were checked within the first 24 hours. This study revealed that approximately:

  •  10 percent of the newborn babies had perfect, freely mobile skulls or cranial mechanisms.

  •  10 percent had severe trauma to the head, evident even to untrained observers.

  •  The remaining 80 percent all had some strain patterns in the cranial mechanism.

Birth in its many different forms can be quite traumatic. While each birth is unique, there is always a chance that the baby suffers some sort of strain due to a variety of reasons. Even the most natural births can result in trauma that goes undetected.

As researcher G. Gutmann has written, “The trauma from the birth process remains an under-publicized and therefore significantly under-treated problem.”

What can cause birth trauma in infants?

  •   Very short labor

  •   Very long labor

  •   The use of Pitocin to strengthen/induce uterine contractions

  •   Pain medications

  •   Restricted maternal birthing positions

  •   Pulling or twisting on the head to deliver the infant’s body

  •   The use of forceps or vacuum extraction

  •   Cesarean delivery

Left uncorrected, this trauma continues to impact a baby’s spinal growth and development, reducing the healthy function of her nerve system. This can cause many health challenges later in life that could easily have been prevented.

Nursing difficulties, sleep disturbances, and inability to be soothed and settled are all potential signs of spinal nerve stress in infants.

Although all infants should be checked right after birth, here are just three clear indicators to find a chiropractor who cares for infants.

1. His head tilts to one side, even after you straighten it.

2. She seems to have difficulty turning her neck to one side.

3. He has difficulty settling down or sleeping soundly.

If you have any questions about how gentle chiropractic adjustments could benefit your child, we encourage you to reach out and schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Jennifer. 

Dr. Jennifer has been granted Certification by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Paediatrics (CACCP) in the International Chiropractic Paediatric Association’s (ICPA) renowned Certification Program.

This certification enables Dr. Jennifer to expand her range of care to individuals throughout pregnancy and childhood with excellence and in accordance with evidence-informed practice.  Chiropractic adjustments on children and gentle and never involve any forceful twisting or cracking.

Click here to contact us to schedule a complimentary consultation


Provided and published by ICPA. For more information, visit -Appearing in Pathways to Family Wellness Magazine Issue #60