Posture and Your Health

Posture and Health

Many people associate posture solely with how they look. We think if we have good posture, then we look good and feel good too. When we see someone with poor posture we associate that with looking bad, but unfortunately we don’t consider the damaging health consequences that are associated with poor posture as well. 

“Posture affects and moderates every physiological function, from breathing to nervous system function, and despite the considerable evidence that posture affects physiology and function, the significant influence of posture on health is not addressed by most physicians.”

-American Journal of Pain Management. Jan.94.


Good posture is associated with healthy spinal alignment. When the spine is in it’s normal position, we keep excess tension off the spinal joints, discs, and nerves which allows for optimal health and body function. Prolonged poor posture causes irregular spinal alignment which leads to excessive wear and tear, nerve tension, and premature spinal degeneration. Of course, all things that affect our long-term health in a very negative way. 

“Deviations in the body’s centre of gravity (poor posture) have resulted in intestinal problems, hemorrhoid, varicose veins, osteoporosis, poor health, decreased quality of life, and a shortened life span.”

-Journal of the American Medical Association. JAMA 1957.

Our office focuses on NeuroStructural Correction. We specifically identify Structural Shifts and other areas of spinal misalignment to determine if they are the underlying cause of your pain or other health concerns. Poor posture is one of a few different key indicators that abnormal spinal alignment is present. 

“Chiropractic focuses on the anatomy of the spinal cord and the nerves that branch out from it. Even minor deviations of the spine caused by poor posture can impair the working of a nerve and the body part it supplies.”

-Miriam Stoddard, M.D. JPM. 1994. 

It’s for that reason that negative posture and irregular spinal alignment can lead to things like digestive dysfunction, asthma, allergies, weak immune function, vertigo, and so much more. If your curious about how we might help please don’t hesitate to contact us! In our office a consultation is a conversation and never a commitment. 

For more info on posture you can visit some great new Harvard University research by clicking here: