Try something new this allergy season


The first step for most allergy sufferers is over the counter medications or allergy shots. These are taken in an effort to reduce allergy symptoms, but they do nothing to improve the overall function of our immune system. If they stop working, or if people want to avoid the side-effects of taking medications, then many of us begin to turn to a natural approach. 

Allergies exist because of an immune system problem. Chiropractic adjustments repeatedly prove to significantly increase immune function. A chiropractic patient shared her true story after subscribing to a care regimen. Not only did she always suffer with the typical runny nose, stuffy sinuses, itchy eyes and headaches, but her allergies were also triggered by more than the typical pollen reaction. She was also allergic to hay and green beans. This meant that she was now unable to do two things that she used to enjoy in her childhood: go horseback riding and eat green beans. 

Almost six months after starting chiropractic care, she accepted an invitation to go horseback riding. She was hesitant at first but thought that chiropractic may be helping, so she wanted to put it to the test. She put Benadryl spray in her pocket and saddled up. True to the power of chiropractic, she endured no sneezing and no drug use. A few days later, she decided to test herself again by eating some green beans. Again, she experienced nothing other than enjoying a food she loved.

It’s important to emphasize that chiropractic adjustments do not treat allergies or the immune system. Specific adjustments aimed at reducing structural shifts will alleviate nerve pressure and allow your body to work and fight foreign bacteria or allergens more effectively. 

A study published in 2003 showed amazing immune-boosting results for a group that started getting spinal adjustments. In this particular study, 1,028 people had some form of allergies (the most common were atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma). X-ray evidence and physical exams proved that 98% of these allergy patients had vertebral misalignment or spinal shifts (predominantly in the upper cervical and mid back areas). Over 88% of the people with dermatitis who received consistent spinal adjustments showed massive improvement in skin itching and 71% showed overall improvement in skin condition. Compare that to 0% improvement of the patients who did not receive adjustments. 

This conclusion comes directly from the study: Any treatment that cannot fundamentally treat spinal problems will not fundamentally improve conditions such as atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, pollinosis, and allergic coryza. 

This study shows how chiropractic care can be a fantastic natural health alternative to dealing with allergies and immune dysfunction for those who are seeking alternatives to traditional medicine and short-term relief. 



Y Takeda, S Arai. Relationship Between Vertebral Deformities And Allergic Diseases. The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery. 2003 Volume 2 Number 1.